Personal information
Nationality: Latvian
Birth date: August 26, 1989.
Latvian – native
English – fluent
Russian – intermediate
Education and Training
2016 - 2018 University of Liepaja - MSc in Writing studies
2009 - 2013 Latvian Academy of Culture, BSc in Art – Drama acting (class directors Mikhail Gruzdov and Indra Roga)
2007 - 2008 Dramatic arts classes (coach – Anna Eižvertiņa)
1996 - 2008 Riga 6th Secondary School, Latvia
Work experience
2018 – Present Literary manager in “Istaba Theatre”
2018 – Present Freelance author and playwright
2009 – Present Theater projects in various independent theaters
2014 – Present Actress in independent theater for children and youth “Istaba Theatre”
2013 – 2016 Actress in Latvian Puppet Theatre
Theatrical adaptation of Inese Zandere's “Puika ar suni” (The Boy With a Dog), Žanis Lipke memorial, director Jānis Znotiņš, 2020.
Theatrical adaptation of Regīna Ezera's “Cilvēkam vajag suni” (Man needs dog), Valmiera Drama Theater, director Jānis Znotiņš, 2020.
Play “Klusētāji” (Those Who Are Silent), Istaba Theater, director Jānis Znotiņš, 2019.
Play “Unwanted”, director Jessica Wilson (Australia), Valmiera Summer Theatre Festival, 2019.
Script adaption for series “Viss pa jaunam” (Everything anew), TV3, 2018 – 2019
and others.
Theatre Roles
Sandija Santa, “Jatakas”, director V. Klausitajs, Role - different, Drawing Theatre, 2019
Uzmanību, durvis aizveras (Attention, doors are closing) after T. Williams' “A Streetcar Named Desire” motives, director Georgij Surkov, Role - Stella, Rēzekne theater Joriks, 2017
A. Kivirähk, “Karnevāls un kartupeļu salāti” (Carnival and Potato Salad), director J. Znotiņš, Role – different, Gallery Istaba, 2017.
A. Kivirähk, “Kaka un pavasaris” (Poo and Spring), director J. Znotiņš, Role – different, Gallery Istaba, 2015.
National award for the Best children's and youth performance.
A. Strindberg, “Pelikāns” (Pelican), director A. Leite-Straume, Role - Gerda, Eduards Smilgis Theater Museum, 2015.
I. Ziedonis, “Blēņas un pasakas” (Twaddle and Tales), director Ģ. Šolis, Role - different, Dirty Deal Teatro, 2015.
Trīs sivēntiņi un vilks (The Three Little Pigs), director V. Blūzma, Role - Nuf-Nuf and others, technique - marionette, Latvian Puppet Theatre, 2014
L. Ritmane, A. Legzdins, musical "Eslingena", director J. Murnieks, Role - Laila (Main Role), Riga Concert Hall, 2014
R. Mings, L. Gundars, “Minga rēgi” (Ming's Ghosts), director L. Gundars, role – different, 2014 (National award as the Best children's and youth performance)
M. Maeterlinck "Aglavena and Selizeta", director Inga Gaile, Role - Selizeta (Main Role), theatre festival “Patriarha rudens”, 2013
J. Jaunsudrabiņš, “Vēja ziedi” (Flowers of Wind), director A. Eižvertiņa, Role - Rasma (Main Role), Independent Theatre "Skatuve", 2011
TV Series
Viņas melo labāk (Better liars), TV3, director S. Račkys, Role - Ērika, 2020.
Viss pa jaunam (Everything anew), TV3, directors Z. Seņkova, R. Ūbele and A. Grauba, Role - Tīna, 2018 - 2020.
Eņģeļu iela (The Street of Angels), Latvian Television, director V. Lejiņa, Role – Ruta, 2014.
Tikai nesaki man Bizu (Don’t Say to Me Bisou), Latvian Independent Television, director I. Šņore, Role – Evija, 2010,
and others.
Radio drama
X un Y (X and Y), Latvian Radio, director Aija Treija, after Ēriks Ādamsons' novel, Role - Y (Main Role), 2015.