Teātra un TV aktrise un dramaturģe.
Ieguvusi bakalaura grādu Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijā dramatiskā teātra aktiera mākslā (2009. – 2013.) un maģistra grādu Liepājas Universitātē programmā "Rakstniecības studijas" (2016. – 2018.).
When I was little, I used to crawl under the blanket and imagine things. I imagined myself and my mum living in the countryside and owning many different pets. I imagined myself solving murders together with Hercule Poirot from the TV. I imagined having those lacquer shoes from the “Kids World”, the largest kid's clothing shop in Latvia in the 90ies. I imagined dancing with those shoes on. I cried imagining myself as the White Cat, the main character in the “Cat's Mill”, a sad fairy tale by the Latvian author Kārlis Skalbe.
Long story short, playing with my imagination was far more interesting than doing homework or cleaning my room. I spent a lot of time imagining things and, therefore, was told I will struggle in real-life because I am not practical and have my head in the clouds. I did agreed and accepted the idea that I will never become a “decent” grown-up. I never tried to change myself.
When I was old enough to make a decision about my studies after high school, I did not have much choice. I realized that I have never developed a skill to do something that was not interesting and did not seem reasonable to me. At this point, I realized theatre embodies everything that I enjoy. I NEEDED THEATRE!
Everything went well, I found Theatre and Theatre found me. Perhaps the committee of professors realized how unqualified for real life I am and therefore accepted me for acting studies.
However, instead of widening my horizons, I became a living cliché. I was looking for the same things other people seemed to have. I was not striving to express myself artistically or reach a deeper understanding. I was striving to become a part of the system no matter what.
Luckily, after a while projects in “Istaba Theatre” came up. Theatre productions in “Istaba” were much about playing around with kids, which slowly made me realize who I am and what am I supposed to do.
In recent years I am practicing to not be afraid. I believe I am on the right path, in the right place. I got a Master's degree in Writing and started playwriting. As an actress I can influence only my character; as a playwright, I can imagine and construct the whole world of a play. I am good at it because of my wild imagination that I have developed as a tool my whole life. Continuous wondering about the world is the only way i know how to think and feel. Yet I am still learning how to write it down.
- Ance